• Rob Loomis

My life was forever changed in the summer of 1993 when my eyes were opened to the incredible truth that Jesus Christ lived and died to save wretched sinners like me. I vividly remember looking up at the night sky that summer (something I never get tired of doing still today) and coming to the mind-blowing realization that the same God who made the heavens was the same God that chose me before the foundations of the world to be adopted as his son through Christ (Ephesians 1:4-6) . My life is now spent singing about him and pointing others to him.

My wife Elise is the most amazing person I have ever known. I met her in Seattle. She met me in California. I’ll leave you to figure that little puzzle out. We were married on the Seattle waterfront (the spot where the new ferris wheel now stands) in 2003. We write and sing songs about Jesus together. We like sushi, tacos and teriyaki a little bit too. Together we have the immense privilege of raising two wonderful young men who have changed our lives forever.

I’ve been playing and writing for over 30 years. While I'm really looking forward to recording another full instrumental album sometime in the future (if my kids would go to bed on time), I have been releasing single pieces to the public in the meantime. For more information on my instrumental music and to listen to my work, please visit robloomismusic.com.

I have had the wonderful privilege to write, record & publish numerous songs for the church over the years - many co-written with my wife. You can find out more about these songs at robandelise.com.

I've been involved in music ministry in some fashion or another for nearly 30 years. From touring the country with my wife over 200 dates /year, to singing with just a couple people in our living room with nothing but our voices. I have also been on staff at a number of churches over the years as an elder and/or Music & Media Pastor. Being able to work with and train young worship leaders and to shepherd other people in the worship of God through music is truly a wonderful & sacred privilege.

Check out some of our favorite clubs: Seattle Sounders, US Soccer, Austin FC, Liverpool FC, and others.

For the past 16+ years I have been building, hosting and maintaining creative & affordable websites for churches, ministries and businesses all over the country. For more information on my company, visit wellwaterdesign.com.

In 2024 I launched Church Care. Church Care is a dedicated support service exclusively designed for new, small and growing churches needing assistance with technology, administration, operations and more.

About Rob Loomis

I am a Christian, a husband, and a daddy to two boys. I am also a songwriter, composer, worship leader and a business owner. Currently my family and I live in the Austin, TX. area, where we enjoy the sun, BBQ, and an assortment of delicious taco establishments.

Content Disclaimer

The blog posts, social media activity & other content contained on this site are my personal views & opinions and may not always represent the views or beliefs of other organizations which I involve myself with currently or have been involved with in the past, unless it is otherwise stated.

Copyright © 2025 Rob Loomis | Site created & hosted by Well Water Design